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New Beginnings

In true British style I am drawn to open this piece with a reference to the weather: more sunshine and a slight rise in temperature. Although I’m still sitting out (this time in the dappled shade of tall, lanky larches of Culag Wood) wearing four layers of clothes. But I can at least now feel my fingers supporting the pen and notepad, so it’s welcome progress!

Everything seems off to a much slower start this year, with the lingering cold confusing matters. I’ve felt it reflected in my own physical state – slow, sluggish, lacking motivation. But within the past few weeks something has suddenly shifted. The lighter, brighter mornings and evenings are accompanied by the welcome chorus of birds singing promises of this much-anticipated transition into Spring. And true to these songs, slowly but surely, everything is starting to awaken.

A welcome joy is witnessing the explosions of vivid colours that strongly contrast against the dull greens and browns – the only remnants of last year’s bounty now withered by time and cold. New bursts through old through the cycles and seasons, and none express it better than the flowers.

Beginning with the cool white snowdrops, followed by pinks and purples of the crocuses and now the bright sunshine yellows of the daffodils, we’ve just experienced a floral representation of the dawning of a new season, played across the past few months, slowly, patiently, until suddenly here we are; re-energised and ready.

What an amazing feeling. The strength of this new energy can only be truly appreciated in contrast with its polar opposite, and so how much gratitude and joy I feel for it all – in this moment – as I sit here amongst the sighing trees while a nearby chaffinch cheers and every so often happy-holidaymakers pass by. It has been slow coming, it has been tough at times, but it is all worth it for this.

I’ll leave this blog entry with some delicate Daffs, photos captured last spring at the earlier blooming date of 26th March. As I write this, their sons and daughters are cheerfully swaying mellow-gig-style, welcoming these new beginnings.

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